Many other conferences, not described below, are open to the fellow. These conferences are devoted to neurology, pediatric research, gastroenterology, pathology, radiology, pediatric infectious disease and many other subspecialties.


Residents Report (Morning Report)
This daily gathering of the residents promotes leadership by house staff on the wards by allowing residents to discuss recent cases and management. Participants include the pediatric residents, program director, chairman and chief residents. The information generated by brainstorming supports the authority of the supervisory resident as a resource for other team members. Monthly on Wednesdays, the chairman changes focus to an ethical topic discussion or a professionalism topic discussion led by residents.

Evidence-Based Medicine Conference
Evidence-Based Medicine journal clubs are held once monthly in a morning report setting. A group of residents leads the audience via small group discussions through a critical appraisal of a journal article pertaining to a clinical question that arose on service. Faculty mentors and content experts attend the conference to offer guidance and input. These conferences are designed to give residents the tools to conduct effective literature searches and appraise articles in order to make evidence-based clinical decisions.

Quality Improvement Conference
Resident-drive quality improvement conferences are held once monthly. These conferences focus on a clinical event that demonstrated an opportunity on improvement from a systems, knowledge base, or communication level. A quality improvement/patient safety topic is also discussed to allow residents to gain understanding of the process of quality improvement in the hospital.

Grand Rounds
Lectures are on a wide range of topics by Washington University faculty and visitors. These are attended by many members of the St. Louis pediatric community, including full-time faculty, students, house staff, nurses and hospital administrators. Six named lectureships (Hartmann, Dodge, Abelson, Thurston, Strunk and Santiago) provide support for the most sought-after pediatric speakers in the world.

Noon Conferences

Lunch provided

Clinical Case Conference (Tuesdays 12-1 p.m.)
Clinical case conferences are an opportunity for faculty and house staff to learn from recent patient presentations. A resident who cared for the patient presents the case, and a faculty member discusses the presentation, diagnosis, and management. Patients with metabolic disorders are presented in this conference and thus, the fellow should attend if the topic is relevant. Examples of previous conferences presented by faculty in Genetics include: Galactosemia, Non-ketotic hyperglycinemia, Isovaleric acidemia, OTC deficiency and others.

All-Resident Core Curriculum Conference
These discussions are led by Washington University faculty physicians and include general pediatrics and subspecialty topics, as well as a yearly emergency series of lectures designed to prepare the residents for acute situations they will face in the hospital.

Pediatric Molecular Medicine Conference
These conferences are led by researchers at Washington University, allowing residents access to cutting edge research that provides a deeper understanding of modern clinical medicine

All-Resident Wellness Conference
These conferences provide a format for residents to unwind and decompress, exploring a variety of issues, including work-life balance, career advancement, humanism in medicine, advocacy projects, and of course, resident favorite “pet therapy”.

Other educational activities

Chairman’s rounds
Gary Silverman, MD, PhD, the chair of the Department of Pediatrics holds a discussion with a different team around the hospital. An opportunity for direct interaction in small, patient-oriented sessions with the pediatrician-in-chief provides two-way educational opportunities. The resident benefits from the chairman’s interest in melding scientific advances with clinical problems. The chairman gains firsthand knowledge of the residents.